Chef Renee Kelly's Spice Rub Yogurt-Marinated Barham Family Farm Drumsticks
March 24, 2021 • 0 comments

- Prep Time:
- Cook Time:
- Servings: 4
Spice Rub
1 cup pink peppercorns
1 cup black peppercorns
1 cup white pepper corns
1/2 cup coriander
2 star anise
Toast in a dry pan over medium heat, stirring occasionally until the oils release and a pepper aroma fills the air. Cool the spices completely. Grind in a heavy-duty mixer or spice grinder.
Chef Renee Kelly's Spice Rub Yogurt-Marinated Drumsticks
1 to 2 teaspoons Spice Rub
2 cups plain yogurt
1/2 tablespoon olive oil
2 teaspoons kosher salt
8 Barham Family Farm drumsticks
A generous sprinkling of paprika
In a small mixing bowl, stir spice rub into yogurt with oil and salt. Place drumsticks in a zip-top bag. Pour yogurt mixture over drumsticks, knead to cover all of the meat and place bag in the refrigerator to marinate overnight.
Drain chicken and cook over indirect heat on the grill for 25 minutes, or until a meat thermometer registers 165 degrees on a meat thermometer, flipping the chicken with tongs halfway through. Sprinkle with paprika.